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Programs and Services
The Administration on Aging, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, funds Area Agencies on Aging. These agencies plan, develop and coordinate supportive in-home and community-based services.
What are Area Agencies on Aging?
Federal funds are allocated to State Agencies on Aging based on the number of older adults in the state. Most states are divided into Planning and Service Areas so that programs can be effectively developed and targeted to meet the unique needs of older adults residing in each area. Nationwide, some 660 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) receive funds from their respective State Agencies on Aging to plan, develop, coordinate, and arrange for services in each PSA. AAAs in rural areas often serve the needs of older adults living in a number of counties, while other AAAs may serve older residents of a single city or county.
What do Area Agencies on Aging do?
Area Agencies on Aging contract with public agencies and/or private businesses to provide services to older residents in their communities. In some cases, the AAA acts as the service provider if no local contractor is available. AAAs each offer a different set of services, but common services include: Access – information and referral to health and social services providers, outreach, case management, and escort and transportation services. In-Home Services – chore, homemaker, personal care, home-delivered meals, home repair, and home modifications such as grab bars. Community Services– senior centers, congregate meals, adult day care, nursing home ombudsman, elder abuse prevention, legal assistance, employment counseling and referrals, and health and fitness programs. Caregiver Support – respite, counseling, and education programs.