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Programs and Services
Assisted living offers individuals the opportunity to receive necessary supportive Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) in a less restrictive and more homelike settings than a facility that would provide skilled care on a 24 hour basis. These services include personal and supportive care services (including assistance with ADLs and IADLs as needed), chore services, medication oversight and administration, intermittent skilled nursing, and social and recreational programming.
Who do I contact to learn more about Assisted Living?
The National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) has information on assisted living and a Consumer Guide for Choosing An Assisted Living Residence.
In California, assisted living facilities are licensed as Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFEs) or apartments in publicly subsidized housing. They provide services to persons 60 years of age and over and persons under 60 with compatible needs. RCFEs may also be known as retirement homes and board and care homes. The facilities can range in size from six beds or less to over 100 beds. The residents in these facilities require varying levels of personal care and protective supervision. Because of the wide range of services offered by RCFEs, consumers should look closely at the programs of each facility to see if the services will meet their needs. California has an Assisted Living Waiver (ALW) that offers Medi-Cal eligible individuals the opportunity to receive necessary supportive services in less restrictive and more homelike settings.
There are two models under the program:
- • In the first model, Assisted Living services are provided to residents who reside in Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFEs). In this model, services are delivered by the RCFE staff.
- • In the second model, Assisted Living services are provided to residents who reside in publicly subsidized housing (PH) and services are delivered by Home Health Agency (HHA) staff in housing that is affordable to Medi-Cal eligible individuals.
To be eligible to participate in the ALW, an individual must be enrolled in the Medi-Cal program and be in need of the care provided by a nursing facility. To determine if you are eligible for this program, call this phone number : 916-552-9105.