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Programs and Services
The Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly program, also known as PACE, is a newer model of managed care service delivery for very frail seniors who are approved by the state to need nursing facility care to live as independently as possible. The core services provided under PACE include the provision of adult day health care services and care management from an interdisciplinary care team which authorizes the access to all health services. The PACE organization must provide all needed services to the PACE participant.
Who is eligible?
In order to be eligible as a participant in one of California's PACE plans you must reside both in one of the counties and one of its corresponding covered zip codes listed here.
Where can I find out more information about PACE?
For information from the state, contact the PACE unit staff at: California Department of Health Care Services Long-Term Care Division PACE/SCAN Unit, Mail Station 0018 PO Box 997413 Sacramento, CA 95899-7413 You may also want to contact the California Pace Association, or CalPACE